Youth Athletic

Future Proofing Youth Athletes-Part 2

Future Proofing Youth Athletes-Part 2

Future proofing youth athletes part 1 focused on developing perceptual motor skills, or more specifically, the way young athlete’s brains process relevant sporting cues. Today’s post will focus on the other side of the coin…the movement response.

Once your child has developed these perceptual-motor skills you can look to deliver more structured sessions, centred around the fundamental movement skills

Future Proofing Youth Athletes-Part 1

Future Proofing Youth Athletes-Part 1

Regardless of how good a child is in their given sport, often times the sad reality is they will not make it to an elite level…so what happens then?

To prevent your kids from burning out, or simply dropping out of sport/physical activity altogether they need 3 things:

1. Appropriately developed perceptual motor skills

2. A wide base of fundamental movement skills

3. Appropriate levels of strength

Today’s blog will look to introduce the perceptual-motor skills, which kids should be developing between the ages of 6-10, with future blogs diving into more detail on points 2 and 3.

Improving Youth Athletes’ Speed-Slowing Down to Speed Up

Improving Youth Athletes’ Speed-Slowing Down to Speed Up

If you had your hand on the brakes and you were trying to cycle faster...would you pedal harder or take your hands off the brakes?”

Often times we try to apply a model that has been designed for developing speed in highly tuned professional athletes (with well-developed movement skills!) and apply it to kids who cannot efficiently perform movement tasks that resemble tenants of sprinting.

Improving Youth Athletes' Speed-Why Maturation Matters

Improving Youth Athletes' Speed-Why Maturation Matters

Whether we are talking crossing the finish line for the marathon, getting to the ball first, or landing a punch quicker than your opponent…there isn’t a sport where being faster doesn’t provide some form of advantage.

Speed is defined as the rate of performance of an activity, and in today’s blog you will learn the often overlooked role that maturation plays in speed development for the youth athlete.

Mobility Modalities-Myths, Marketing & Mistakes

Mobility Modalities-Myths, Marketing & Mistakes

The reason why we need to understand the science behind why, how (or even if) certain mobility modalities can reduce our injury risk and enhance athletic performance, is because it takes us away from a grenade approach of “10 best stretches for” (insert muscle group), to a sniper approach of why I am using this mobility method, to address this type of restriction, in this particular athlete, in this specific way?

How to Program Age & Stage Appropriate Plyometrics

How to Program Age  & Stage Appropriate Plyometrics

My previous blogs in this plyometric series advocated the importance of beginning plyometric training by learning to land and develop a basic sense of rhythm and timing.

By the end of today’s blog, you will understand the 4 phases to the plyometric pyramid, what plyometrics should look like at the various ages and stages of a youth athlete’s journey, and what this journey looks like from a young child all the way up to the elite athlete.

Plyometrics & Where to Start with Youth Athletes

Plyometrics & Where to Start with Youth Athletes

Athletes who produce more force, in less time, with these rebound type exercises tend to sprint faster, jump higher, and punch harder than their opponents.

Perhaps more importantly for a child, however, learning to hop, skip and jump, and stringing this together with an element of rhythm (aka rebounding) improves a child’s understanding of where their body is in time and space.